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Less than 2 months to go – support and donate now!

Less than 2 months to go! Preparations for both the Tribunal and the People's Assembly are in full swing, and we have greatly increased our publicity and outreach work. This is the moment that we need your support!

The events will take place no matter what, but we still need to raise € 150.000 to pay for witness travel and accommodation. We need your support to help make it happen! Donate (do it right now) and promote! Even the smallest donations are welcome.

Help us spread the word: forward this newsletter to your friends with a personal message of support. Make sure they sign their support on the website so they too will be updated on this very special event. Like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and share and promote our posts. Talk and write about the Tribunal whenever you can.

Together we will make it happen and expose Monsanto’s crimes!

Registration for attending the Monsanto Tribunal and the Peoples Assembly has started

The formal registration for both the Tribunal and the parallel Peoples Assembly has started. On the registration page you will find the preliminary programs. Those actively participating and those invited will be registered by our logistics team. All others who want to attend (part of) the Tribunal and/or the Peoples Assembly are kindly requested to register. Don’t wait too long, for there are only a limited number of seats. As a supporter of the Tribunal, you are in the first group to be informed. For individuals we have set admission prices to cover part the costs of these two remarkable events, with many well-known speakers and very special witnesses. Those on a low income can apply for a 50% reduction rate. Those traveling from far (over 300 km) can apply for free admission (you pay for the food only), but if you can get reimbursed, or if you can afford it, please do pay, for we need the money to cover the very substantial organisation costs. For reduction or application for free admission please write to registration@monsanto-tribunal.org

You can register here for the Tribunal and here for the People's Assembly.

New ambassadors for the Tribunal

We are very happy to present our new ambassadors: João Pedro Stédile, national coordinator of the Landless Workers Movement, MST in Brazil; the well-known French documentary film maker and environmentalist Nicolas Hulot; the famous German singer Konstantin Wecker; the extraordinary British fashion designer Vivienne Westwood; and German organiser Christiane Lüst from Aktion GEN-Klage. Latest new ambassador: Richard A. Falk, American professor emeritus of international law and former UN special rapporteur on Palestine. Watch and share their very strong video messages on our Facebook page and on the website.

Plus biologist and GMO specialist Florianne Koechlin from Switzerland, who explains her support as follows:

“My main concern is that Monsanto promotes worldwide an agriculture which is disastrous. Huge monocultures, patented GMO seeds, pesticides, synthetic fertilisers. It’s the contrary of a sustainable and agroecological way for the future. But Monsanto is not alone: Syngenta or BASF or Dow Chemicals and others are in the same boat. So this tribunal is not only about Monsanto but about all the giant agrobussinesses in this world and their exploitation of farmers and the environment. Therefore I strongly suggest that you support this Tribunal, it’s important.”

Do you personally know people with very big networks who are prepared to speak out for sustainable food and agriculture, and against the power of corporations like Monsanto? Be it a chef, a scientist, a musician, a film star or another celebrity… Ask them and let us know!
